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Raffle of the Month: Home Start

Home Start

Home-Start Guernsey Fundraising Fun Day

Home-Start Guernsey Fundraising Fun Day

The raffle we are showcasing this month is the Home-Start Fun Day raffle, which was held in the Guernsey branch at St John’s Church Hall.

Home-Start is a charity who recruits parents as volunteers to offer support and friendship to other parents and families who are experiencing stressful and difficult times. The organisation aims to encourage parents and improve their emotional well being for the benefits of the children and to ensure that the families have a support network when times are tough.

Home-Start Guernsey Fundraising Fun Day

Home-Start Guernsey Fundraising Fun Day

The raffle, organised by Ali Le Tocq, was part of the Guernsey Home-Start Fun Day and was a fundraising opportunity to help with the running costs of the organisation. The tickets were sold around to supports of the charity and sold on the day of the event to maximise sales. Ali explains how they, “ were very fortunate that all the prizes were donated. They included a Samsung phone, original artwork from a renowned local artist, restaurant vouchers, cases of wine and much more”.

She continues to explain that, “[we were] very happy with the success of the raffle that raised just under £600”.

The Home-Start raffle was a great success raising a large amount of money that will help massively to continue the work of the Home-Start team and continue to provide a support network for families and children.

Happy Fundraising!

Homestart ticket copy