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There's Still Time To Run a Christmas Raffle

Christmas Raffle

There’s still time to run a Christmas Raffle.

Christmas is just around the corner but there’s still time to run a Christmas Raffle.

Here is our check list to help you get things going.

1. Getting your prizes together. You might be worried about asking local businesses for donations during Covid. However, businesses now need to advertise more than ever so don’t be too shy to ask.  A good place to start is by asking friends who run their own businesses. You could also buy online shopping vouchers, which are really easy to send out to the winners. Alternatively, you could go for a luxury item like an Ipad, which is a guaranteed way of selling more tickets.

2. Buy Your Raffle Tickets 

3. Distributing Raffle Tickets.  If you are concerned about handling the tickets, wear gloves and place tickets in envelopes in good time before distribution. According to the World Health Organisation, “The likelihood of an infected person contaminating commercial goods is low and the risk of catching the virus that causes COVID-19 from a package that has been moved, travelled, and exposed to different conditions and temperate is also low.”

4. Hosting the Raffle. There are many ways to host the raffle but our favourites are –
A. Hold the draw via zoom
B. Host a private draw at your club, school or charity. Either way, make sure you have someone at hand who can take photos and videos so that the event can be published in your newsletter, on your website and on social media.

Happy Fundraising!