13 November 2015
Christmas A4 Poster- Design 1
We are excited to announce the launch of our new product range to help you promote your fundraising event. Alongside our existing raffle ticket products we have launched a range of posters, flyers and postcards that will help to advertise and promote your fundraising event to ensure you receive the maximum number of donations.
Christmas A5 Flyer- Design 2
The team at Raffle Tickets 4U are not only passionate about fundraising but our roots and our backgrounds are firmly planted in the printing industry with over years of experience between us, we thought it would benefit our customers to provide a larger range of high quality printed material to help with your fundraising efforts.
We have hand selected our current Christmas designs that can be personalised to create original, customised prints. We are currently designing our new spring and summer print collections so keep your eyes out for the launch of our new range to help advertise and promote your spring fetes and summer fairs.
To order a Christmas promotional product visit our Print Product page, choose a design, edit the customisable fields and we’ll digitally print them and send them to your door. Stress free, quick and easy. And there is still plenty of time to order for your Christmas event as we offer an Express and Super express delivery service!
Happy Fundraising,
The R4U Team.