07 August 2015
Sponsored community events
Community events like Cancer Research’s Race for Life is an exciting way to get together, as a community, and raise some cash. You do need to be super-organised, but they’re great for building awareness and getting everybody together. If you can get your local community on board, it’s easy fundraising for you. However, there are always local events going on near you so it wouldn’t be too much fuss to sign yourself up and take part in an event that has already been organised. No stress! (Keep up to date with our monthly, fundraising event post that rounds up the biggest and best events up and down the country.)
There’s nothing quite like the thrill of buying a few tombola tickets, opening them up and winning a bottle of champagne! The thrill of the gamble is what entices people in. Have some low maintenance prizes, try and see what people can donate and host a tombola event at a local car boot sale, at the office or at a school event.
Cake baking
Who can resist the temptation of a homemade sweet treat! Even if your rubbish at baking, you can get fab cakes at the supermarket, and we won’t tell! Cake baking doesn’t have to be expensive, it doesn’t matter if you charge £1 a cake, or 20p a cake, it will raise some money to go toward your cause! Check out our Bake Sale Pinterest board for some inspiration!
Follow Raffle Tickets 4U’s board Bake Sale on Pinterest.
Collection tins
Make sure you make your bucket,jar or tin looks interesting to catch people’s attention. Keep your collection tin t in a communal place to maximize donations. If you’re in a town you could shake a bucket, and collect money from the public. You could equally go around local business and deposit collection tins to get people’s loose change.
Raffle Tickets
Raffle tickets are a simple, cheap and easy way to raise money; we would even go as far to say that they are the best way of raising money for a charity or organisation (but we may be a little biased!)
With our tips and tricks that are included in our blog there is no reason why you can’t run a successful raffle. Key things to remember- plan early to sell out your tickets, find unique and worthy prizes, promote your raffle so everyone is aware.
If you’re a school you can give raffle tickets to your pupils to sell onto their parents and family friends. Equally if you run charity shops, you can offer raffle tickets at the till.
If you’re thinking about buying raffle tickets our prices start from just £25 for 1000 tickets or you can call us to receive a bespoke quote for a more personalised, unique ticket design. But what ever your event, whatever your query, just get in touch (we love a natter!)